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About Us

Melody Soldiers is a Bengali rock band formed in Dhaka in 2018. Following as a rock group from Dhaka’s band music in 2018, they were distinguished for their touchy lyrics, tunes & different rock flavors they have taken place in the audiences with their rock songs. Melody Soldiers were founded by Md. Rabiul Hasan Shaheen(Guitar), Samim Rabin(Vocal), Ahsan Uddin Pallab(Drums), and S M Mahadi Hasan Mukut (Guitar). Bassist Abir Ahmed, Vocalist Mehedi Hasan Colince, and Sidratul Mursalin Bhasha (Keyboard) joined in 2019 as members of the band. Md. Rabiul Hasan Shaheen becomes the primary lyricist and thematic leader.


A group of old musicians who were doing music in early 2013 and later after got busy with family & work life and in 2018 Guitarist Md. Rabiul Hasan Shaheen who was in Khulna for work purposes and came back to Dhaka and realize that without doing music it’s hard to live. Then he contact Samim Rabin (Vocalist), S M Mahadi Hasan Mukut (Guitarist) & Ahsan Uddin Pallab (Drummer) for jamming and after doing 1-month jamming they decided to form a band and Melody Soldiers was born.

Later on, in 2019 Abir Ahmed (Bassist) & Sidratul Mursalin Bhasha (Keyboardist) joined the band and fulfill the lineup. 1st 2 years they only did practice in practice pad and did some local gigs.

In December 2019 Samim quit music and leave the band as well. Then the band arranged three vocal hunting sessions. In February 2020 Mahee joined as the Vocalist and the 6th member of the band.